At this writing, it has been almost 4 years since the aneurysm rupture. We were unaware and unprepared for what was to follow. “We” being myself, the patient, and “Mom”, the caregiver.
For too long, we weren’t aware of the research regarding protecting and healing the brain. Much of this information suggested things we could do to help ourselves. Simple things – like which foods, supplements, and activities are known to promote brain health, and like to what degree our brain injury was affecting our emotions, mood, and overall health.
For too long, we struggled to cope with effects of brain trauma, not knowing whether they were part of a “new normal” or whether they would get better with time. Things like not being able to go to busy, noisy places or like experiencing mental and physical fatigue. Simply learning some of these things are common after-effects and might get better with time has helped.
Knowing from the beginning these findings would have been valuable. It has become increasingly apparent to us there needs to be a place to share some of what we’ve learned, a place focused on issues we might face after a brain trauma. Sure, there’s a lot of information if you Google “Brain Aneurysm” and there are organizations doing a great job of spreading awareness. We didn’t find a place created by survivors focused on educating other survivors about issues they may have to face. We hope our patient/survivor/caregiver perspective and our compilation of pertinent information gathered over these past four years will help someone.
Is that the only reason?
Well, no. Truth be told, surviving a rupture against odds and gaining insight into the challenges some survivors face has changed us. This major life-altering event, for both of us, has created in our hearts a desire to help this community in any way we can. Some of us will face more challenges than others. Most will face something, even if it’s minor, that’s different for them. So here, we want to acknowledge and encourage those like us who are finding their new normal and trying to navigate life in a new way. BrainReigns is our gift to you, please share it with others.
Kirsten and Phyl